Saturday, April 30, 2011

Went to the Comic Geek Speak Super Show today with my son and had a great time. I finally met the faces behind the voices I have been lisening to for way over a year or so. Bryan, Peter and the rest of the CGS crew did a terrific job. I also had a chance to meet J. K. Woodward, Erica Hesse, Shawn Pryor, Kirby Krackle, Lee Weeks, Dana(great guy running the Board Games area and taught my son how to play this awesome game called SmallWorld) so many creators! I also got to meet Dave Dwonch and the Ultra rare visit of Super-Ugly from The Geek Savants! Good times! I am trying to go again tomorrow and see the things I could not today! Oh and got some great stuff from WILD PIG. Finally, my son won a Voltron print from Erica Hesse. Lucky guy.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Sketched HellSpawn scanned in ink and Photoshop on Mac.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

HellSpawn artwork 18 x 24 in size. Painter and Photoshop. Please feel free to comment.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I just started sketching out a head with goggles and this is what appeared. Not sure if I like it anymore. Like I said, I will post sketches even if they are not my best or favorite. I just wanted to put it out there for review.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Something of a Vampire-ish creature head. Daily Sketch. SketchbookX and Photoshop.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

With all the bad weather, pipes freezing, loss of electricity and everyday life. I barely have time to myself. Had to get caught up in my drawing and such. I am debating if I should go all digital and stop working on paper. Go greenish and cut down on home clutter. It just means I will have more digital clutter. Unseen as it piles up in my hard drives. I downloaded Sketch Book Express to see what it feels like as a sketching tool. Here are a few things I've managed to scribble out when I could.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Daily sketch 1-20-11. A Mexican Devil Mask. I bought it in a village many a year ago on my honeymoon. It hangs on my wall laughing at me and sticking out it's nasty tongue.
This was done with brush marker, pen and white out.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A bit of a back log of sketches and daily art.
here is a few.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Sitting in Wegmans. Watching football over the fireplace sketching on the Mac and sipping coffee.

Daily Sketch for today. Mech War machine. Photoshop.
After posting this sketch I think it's okay, not great, just okay. Not as loose as I would like.

I've been posting over at Deviant art with daily sketches. Here was one I enjoyed.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Daily post- Digital art.
Concept art. Wheels Heels.

New Year but an old sketch.
Well, not that old. Only from Mid December. Went to a great German Restaurant where they sing Christmas songs during the weekend. Terrific beer. The place is called Zum Schneider. I did this sketch crammed in between coats against a wall having a beer and waiting for a table. Place was packed. People playing Jenga and singing/drinking. It's a good thing I don't live that close or I would be hanging out here a lot. Not my best sketch but I have to post.  Sketch is marker in a 9x6 Bienfang sketchbook.